Talaria Academic Year Programs include Talaria Clubs, ENVISION Research Competition, and ATHENA Research Conference.

The Talaria clubs are local school-run clubs that teach female and genderqueer students at the schools how to write research proposals and how to conduct scientific research. Students from clubs will compete in the Envision Research Competition and take part in the ATHENA Conference.

While Talaria Summer Institute and Summer Residency provide an opportunity for students to immerse themselves in research during the summer, Academic Year Programs enable students to pursue research alongside their classes during the school year. Any high school student who identifies as an underrepresented gender, regardless of their affiliation with Talaria, can take part in the Academic Year Programs.

Click on the links in the side menu to learn more about Academic Year Programs.

Talaria Clubs

Talaria clubs are school-run chapters of Talaria in which female and genderqueer students are taught how to conduct scientific research and write research proposals. Students are taught using a curriculum developed in collaboration with a team of researchers and will be provided with resources to take their research forward.

Members in Talaria clubs will be grouped into groups of up to four students to collaborate and write a scientific research proposal. They will compete in the ENVISION competition in teams and have the opportunity to win prizes. The ENVISION competition is a yearly research proposal competition, hosted by Talaria, held on January 1st. 

If you are interested in establishing a Talaria club at your school, visit Currently Established Talaria Club Chapters to see if your school has one established already.

Currently Established Talaria Club Chapters

Coming soon.

If you are interested in establishing a Talaria club at your school and one has not been established yet, visit Leading a Club.

Leading a Club

Leading a Talaria club is a unique way to show leadership in science by helping to cultivate the researchers of the future. To make leading a Talaria club both feasible and meaningful, we will provide all club leaders with an extensive week-by-week curriculum, including slideshows and teaching resources for each club meeting. 

This curriculum was developed in collaboration with a team of researchers, and it guides club members (female or genderqueer high school students) through the various stages of research, from proposal-writing to interpreting research results. The curriculum will last the whole school year, with additional opportunities to implement your own modules if you would like.

Your responsibilities as a Talaria club leader will be setting up the club at your school, which includes any processes required by your school to establish clubs, providing a bi-weekly status of your club to the President of Talaria clubs, Nicole Yu, and teaching the curriculum to the club members. Additionally, you will encourage club members to participate in the ENVISION Research Competition, ATHENA Research Conference, and Talaria Summer Institute. 

Establish a Talaria Club at your school today.

ENVISION Research Competition

Students who participate in the ENVISION Research Competition design research proposals to solve a specific problem with their teams of up to four female/genderqueer students. Proposals are due on January 1st every year, visit the ENVISION website to learn more.

ATHENA Research Conference

ATHENA Research Conference 2024

The ATHENA Research Conference is a two-day long online conference in which researchers spanning across various scientific fields present their innovative research to female and genderqueer students. The research mentors will also give a glimpse into their career in academia for students interested in pursuing research in the future. Additionally, members of the ATHENA conference will have the opportunity to receive direct feedback from accomplished researchers as they have their research proposals that they will submit for the ENVISION Research Competition workshopped by the mentors in small groups.

The ATHENA Research Conference will be held on Zoom and will take place in October 2024.

Sign up for the ATHENA Research Conference today.

Past ATHENA Events

Coming soon.